Friday, March 18, 2011

Tech Post #8

First Impressions Of The Nintendo 3DS: 3D Done Right
I found this article on TechCrunch, and its about the new Nintendo 3DS. The article says this new DS has a lot of potential because the various new features it has. One of the new features is the “suspend mode” for games that allows you to drop into Nintendo’s communication and photo interface to take pictures and send notes." The communication and photo interface features are similar to those of the iPod touch. Many people wondered what the quality of the 3D was going to be like, and it seems that "the 3D play is immersive and exciting. It is, in short, revolutionary." One of the other features is "a pedometer as well as a unique StreetPass system that lets the 3DS interact with other consoles as you walk by them in the street." You can also take 3D photos with the dual front camera thats on the DS. However, there are some concerns such as the "3D may be too much for little eyes" and it may cause eye-strain.
I chose this article because I think the new 3D technology is interesting, and I grew up playing on Nintendo's GameBoy. This new Nintendo 3DS is just another advance in the 3D world, and it is creating competition for the iPod touch. With the invention of this new DS, "Nintendo has changed the landscape when it comes to handheld gaming."

Here is the link to the full article:

Friday, March 11, 2011

Tech Post #7

Path Fully Embraces Facebook And Busts Out Lenses For Pictures And Video — Including Premium Ones
I found this article on TechCrunch, and it's about the upates to the iPhone app calle Path. Path is a photo sharing app that before these updates only allowed you to share your photos with your Path friends. The Path update included: "Facebook sharing, lenses, an activity stream, and a new friend suggestion tool." The main update was the ability of Facebook sharing which "allows you to publish moments to your Facebook Wall, the next logical step" after sharing the photos with your Path friends.  When you Facebook share, Path will automatically set the privacy setting so that only your Path friends can see the album, but you can switch the privacy setting so that all your friends can see the album. This update is very key because it "extends the reach of Path by leveraging the largest social network on the planet, which Path co-founder Dave Morin happened to work at for several years. “I’ve been calling it ‘harmony’ with Facebook,” Morin says of the new options." The other main update is the lenses which will work with both pictures and videos. "To begin with, Path will offer four lenses for free: Pro, Ansel, Instant, and Diana. And three for $0.99: Old Time, The Grid, and 8-Bit. Morin says it’s more of an experiment at this point and less of an actual business model. “But, we see a long term revenue opportunity in premium expression through virtual goods like this,” he says." Path also wants to continue to make new lenses for people to choose from.
I pick this article people I love photography, and I think this is a really awesome iPhone app. I love how you can pick different lenses to shoot both pictures and videos with even though its not real camera. I think this will impact culture because it expanding the biggest social network, Facebook. It is also allowing more people to shoot creative photographs with different lenses with little to no photography knowledge.
Here is the link to the full article:

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Tech Post #6

RedRover Allows Parents To Make Play Dates On The Fly
I found this article on TechCrunch, and its about a social network called RedRover. This new social is "a private social network for parents to research and share everything from child-friendly restaurants to the closest hospitals in an emergency as well as schedule play dates." If you use this network you "can check-in to locations, or publicize plans to friends within the app. Users are encouraged to leave their tips, thoughts or “their 2cents” for each other." This app is considered to be more private because it doesn't include Facebook connect, so you have to invite friends to join your specific network through email. Now the question that arises is with "privacy is a natural concern for parents, I’m not sure if creating a new social network is the answer"? I chose this article because it seemed interesting that a social network would be created just for parents that allowed them to help schedule their kids' lives in a sense. I think this could impact culture because it will affect how plans are scheduled and kept track; maybe one day this will be done all virtually through social networks like this.

Here is the link to the full article: